So, it has been a month since my last (and only) post. Wait, what? A month? I swear life flies by. It's crazy. They say life is short, yet it is the longest thing humans will ever know on Earth. Kind of a weird concept if you think about it. Second semester is underway and it has been filled with new classes, adventures and friends. While it has been great, I can't help but notice the conversations I catch bits of walking down campus. "Life will be so much better when this test is over." "I can't wait for spring break." etc, you get the jist of it. At first, I was like, fo sho. I can't wait to have a break, enjoy a weekend or not have classes. Then I realized how crazy that was. Why are we constantly living for moments in the future when you can make the one right now great? "Life is not the mountain tops, it's the walking in between." Ben Rector, you are speaking to my soul when you sing that line. (Plug- he's awesome. Check out his music. You're welcome.) Life is filled with mountain tops. Those awesome moments when you get to stand on the edge of true happiness and revel in the joy you feel for life. There is nothing else like it. Cherish them. Yet, life is also filled with valleys. Everyone has their story and no ones is perfect. There will come a time when everything seems to be going the wrong way, and you just can't keep up. While sometimes it seems like you'll never make it out, remember, a valley wouldn't be a valley unless in went uphill on both sides. Try to see the beauty in your situation and grow from it. It will lead to the steady incline of the slope on the other side. So we come to my favorite part about this line. The walking in between. Life has a funny way of winding up and down, back and forth, creating your story. Sometimes it becomes hard to notice the little things that make it up. A message from a friend you haven't heard from in a long time, the way the sun peeks out from the horizon at dusk, the feel of the cold wind hitting your face, the warm embrace of a loved one. All of these simple acts comprise the ever-changing in between stages of your journey. It's really beautiful if you think about it. So maybe, just maybe, we are being called to notice those things. the in-betweens. the little moments of life that fill every day. Maybe they are there to remind us of the beauty in every moment, every breath, every life. Maybe it teaches us the meaning of all of this craziness around us. Maybe we are called to cherish the mountain tops, grow in the valleys, and thrive in the walking in between. "What day is it?"
"It's today," squeaked Piglet. "My favorite day," said Pooh."
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AuthorHi! It's me, Erica. This is my website- And my blog! Archives
August 2021
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