This series began with the painting below that shares its namesake. It was inspired by Michael Brown and the Hands Up, Don't Shoot movement. Growing up in the Midwest, the phrase "I don't see color" was one I had heard quite a few times. During my time living in St. Louis and participating in the protests after Michael Brown's death, I was inspired to challenge this notion. Would a white man have had the same experience? Colorblind? seeks to ask that question and challenge our preconceived notions about justice in the United States.
This painting was a catalyst for me. While I love painting in color, painting in black and white challenged me to focus on the emotion and the shapes to tell the story instead of the color. This series is still evolving but each of these paintings tells a story of pain, of change, and of the human experience. It highlights some of the most earth shattering, yet growth filled moments we may experience throughout our life. I hope is sheds light on some of the issues we are facing and the ways we can be better. The paintings below are just the beginning of this exploration.
This painting was a catalyst for me. While I love painting in color, painting in black and white challenged me to focus on the emotion and the shapes to tell the story instead of the color. This series is still evolving but each of these paintings tells a story of pain, of change, and of the human experience. It highlights some of the most earth shattering, yet growth filled moments we may experience throughout our life. I hope is sheds light on some of the issues we are facing and the ways we can be better. The paintings below are just the beginning of this exploration.
She Never Forgot How to Love, 2020.